Saturday, 21, September, 2024

The Ministry of Ecology, Environmental Protection and Climate Change, together with the Academy of Sciences, submitted to the government in September a draft document on improving the Tashkent Botanical Garden named after Academician F. Rusanov.

As the ministry's press service reported on October 10, the project aims at enhancing the scientific potential of the garden, improving its material and resource base, as well as expanding its experience to the provinces of the country with the creation of branches. The development of such a document was unveiled by the Academy of Sciences on October 7 after it became known about plans to transfer the Botanical Garden, along with 195 cultural and recreational parks in the country, to the management of park management companies under governor’s offices.

The project of the Ministry of Ecology and the Academy of Sciences provides for the enrichment of the existing collection of plant at the Botanical Garden, founded in 1943, as well as the creation of experimental and commercial nurseries for use in various fields, taking into account the natural and climatic conditions of the region, the preservation of rare and endangered plant species included in the Red Book , and their reintroduction into the natural environment and more.

Today, the Botanical garden with a total area of 66 hectares grows more than 2,400 species and varieties of plants from different regions of the planet. It is also a leading scientific and academic organization that conducts research in the field of biodiversity conservation, implementation and development of agricultural technologies for the introduction and cultivation of ornamental, valuable, medicinal plants, trees and shrubs, the Ministry of Ecology added.

The order to create management companies of cultural and recreation parks under the Council of Ministers of Karakalpakstan, provincial governor’s offices and the Tashkent city and to transfer to them all state cultural and recreation parks is contained in the presidential Mar 24 Additional measures to reduce state participation in the economy Decree.

The authorities in the most renowned barbaric traditions have ravaged several parks in Tashkent with an aim to squeeze profit, selling plots of land on the parks' territories to business entities. In particular, Abdulla Qodiriy Park was ravaged and nearly destroyed, now hosting a residential complex and a hotel. While the people's beloved National Park was turned into the grotesque Magic City.

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