Saturday, 21, September, 2024

On October 10, Prime Minister Abdulla Aripov leading a government delegation met with the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Petr Fiala at the Czech Government House.

At the meeting, the parties reviewed the state of affairs and goals in terms of development of trade-economic and investment cooperation between the countries.

The parties underscored that in January-August of this year, the volume of the two-way trade increased by almost 2.5 times, which was partially due to Uzbekistan’s joining the European Union's General System of Preferences (GSP+).

However, the noted that this figure did not reflect to the existing potential, and it was necessary to actively work on correcting the imbalance in the two-way trade.

Uzbekistan seeks in importing finished products that meet the high standards and technical regulations of the European Union.

From this point of view, PM Aripov proposed to establish cooperation in the field of testing for the purpose of certification with a single CE (Certification Europe) mark for industrial products produced in the country on the European markets.

At the meeting, the parties also touched upon the ways to strengthen and further expand cooperation in a number of directions, such as investment, construction, agriculture and food industry, transport, employment, education, medicine, and tourism.

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