Saturday, 21, September, 2024

On June 7, at Fergana’s I. Karimov Palace of Arts, Khidirnazar Allakulov and his supporters were collecting signatures for the registration of his Haqiqat, Taraqqiyot va Birdamlik (Truth, Progress and Unity) party. At this time, a conflict occurred on the spot with several men, whose identity is being established, the press service of the Fergana province police department.

Over the above situation, Allakulov's complaint was accepted by the police as per the procedure.

Meanwhile, according to the police department, Khidirnazar Allakulov quarreled with a 52-year-old citizen near the building of the police department. He also stated that police officers interfered with the signature collection process, entered back into the building and started a conflict with officers.

“Resisting the lawful demands of police officers, Khidirnazar Allakulov and his supporters A. Sh. and T. Sh. actively resisted and inflicted bodily injuries on two police officers,” the police department added in a statement.

On this fact, the Ferghana prosecutor's office is conducting a pre-investigation check.

Earlier, Allakulov's supporters reported that they were subjected to provocations during the collection of signatures.

In June 2021, the Ministry of Justice refused to register Khidirnazar Allakulov’s Haqiqat va Tarakkiyot (Truth and Progress) party.

On June 4, 2020, professor, doctor of economics and former rector of Termez State University Khidirnazar Allakulov announced plans to create a new social democratic party in Uzbekistan and intend to run for presidency in 2021.

Note: For a party to get registration, the party should collect 20,000 signatures. On several ocassions, the signature collection rallies of Khidirnazar Allakulov's party were disrupted and provoked by groups of men and women which were organized, according to Allakulov by the atuhorities to impact the signature collection. 

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