Sunday, 22, September, 2024

Yesterday, Mercedes-Benz bus, passing by the Ashgabat park, caught fire. According to the provisional version, the fire was caused by a short circuit in the electrical wiring of the bus. The driver tried to put out the fire, but the flames were strong and the bus burned down completely.

On May 21, footage of a burning Mercedes-Benz 96 bus surfaced on the social network. According to Toshshahartranskhizmat, this bus, which belongs to the 2-bus depot, was manufactured in 2012 and has 882,589 km of mileage since the start of operation.

Reportedly, during the movement of the bus driver at the intersection of the Ashgabat park in Yashnabad district, a short circuit occurred in the electrical wiring of the vehicle, the electrical wires caught fire. At the same time, the driver tried to immediately extinguish the fire with a fire extinguisher, but it was not possible to extinguish it due to strong fire. The bus completely burned out.

Firefighters arrived at the scene and extinguished the flames. There were no casualties or injuries as a result of the incident.

“Currently, employees of the production and technical department of Tashshahartranskhizmat are conducting an internal probe,” the official statement said.

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