Sunday, 22, September, 2024

Air temperature in Uzbekistan will drop in the weekend, Uzhydromet reported. On May 5, in the afternoon, over most of the territory of Uzbekistan, cloudy, dry and warm weather is expected with air temperatures in the range of +24 ... +29 degrees Celsius.

Small short-term rains and thunderstorms are possible in places only in Karakalpakstan, Khorezm province and in the evening in Bukhara, Navoi and Kashkadarya provinces. In the north of the country the air temperature will drop to +18…+23 degrees.

On May 6, humid and relatively cool air mass will flow into the territory of Uzbekistan from the provinces of the Caspian Sea. There will be occasional showers and a chance of thunderstorms. Daytime air temperature will drop to +18…+23 degrees, which is 3-5 degrees below the norm for early May.

On May 7, short-term rains will pass in the central and eastern provinces of the country, thunderstorms are possible. Night air temperature will drop to +8…+13 degrees, daytime temperature will be within +20…+25. Hail is possible in some areas.

On May 5 in the north, south and the desert zone, on May 6 in some places across Uzbekistan, the wind is expected to increase to 15–20 m/s, in some areas gusts up to 22–25 m/s are possible, with a dusty drift.

On the foothills and mountainous areas on May 5-7, short-term thunderstorms will occasionally pass, in some places heavy rains are possible. In the highlands (over 2000 m), rain can turn into snow, and mudflows and floods are expected.

In Tashkent on Friday afternoon, the predominance of small clouds, without precipitation is expected. Wind intensification up to 12−15 m/s is possible. Daytime air temperature will be within +25…+27 degrees.

On Saturday evening in the capital, intermittent rain and thunderstorms are possible. Wind 5-10 m/s, possible strengthening up to 12-15 m/s. The temperature at night will drop to +10...+12 degrees, in the daytime - up to +20...+22. Scattered showers and thunderstorms are possible on Sunday afternoon. Wind 5−10 m/s. Night temperature will be the same as on Saturday, during the day it will rise to +22…+24 degrees.

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