Friday, 14, March, 2025

The President’s “Measures to Implement the project: Transformation of the electricity sector and sustainable electricity transmission" as well as the development of the national power grid and enhance its efficiency with the participation of the World Bank Decree” was adopted.

The document was adopted in order to develop the country's main power grid system, increase its reliability and safety, prevent accidents, as well as provide a stable supply of electricity to the economy and households.

The Decree approved the main technical and economic indicators of the following investment projects:

-introduction of Supervisory control and data acquisition (SCADA);

Modernization and reconstruction of substations of the main power grid with the participation of the World Bank (Phase II);

List of loans of international financial institutions involved in financing investment projects of JSC "National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan" and aimed at saving money.

On June 25, 2021, the World Bank Board of Governors agreed to finance investment projects with the following funds: soft loans from the International Development Association worth $ 330 million and non-concessional loans worth $ 50 million; a $ 43 million soft loan from the Green Climate Fund and a $ 4 million grant.

A letter of mandate was signed for a corporate loan without state guarantee to finance the investment project between National Electric Networks of Uzbekistan and the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development on October 6, 2021 "Construction of 130 km 500 kV Sarimoy (Khorezm province) - Jonkeldi (Bukhara province) high voltage transmission line".

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