Saturday, 15, March, 2025

The Cabinet of Ministers issued the Measures to implement the project “Vital Infrastructure Support Program: Support for the Electricity Industry” Resolution.

To implement the project, the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) will provide a 81.6 million euro loan for a period of 7 years, including a grace period of 30 months, at a rate of 1% per annum plus a 6-month Euribor rate and a commission of 0.5%.

The resolution approved the scheme for the use of EBRD’s loan, forecast schedules of debt repayment by Tashkent TPP, Navoi TPP, Takhiatash TPP, Syrdarya TPP, Talimarjan TPP.

The project implementation period is 2 years (2021-2022). It was established that Issiklik Electr Stantsalari will be responsible for the coordination and monitoring of the project. Tashkent TPP, Navoi TPP, Takhiatash TPP, Syrdarya TPP, Talimarjan TPP are recipients of the loan and are responsible for its effective use and timely repayment.

Repayment of the principal, interest, one-time commissions and other expenses will be made by the TPPs.

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