Saturday, 27, July, 2024

The World Bank approved a $95 million financing package to support Uzbekistan’s immediate response to the impacts of COVID-19 on the health and well-being of its citizens. The financing will be used to strengthen life-saving medical systems, as well as to provide income support to poor and vulnerable people affected by the economic consequences of the pandemic.

“This assistance is part of a package put together by a coalition of development partners to help protect the people of Uzbekistan against the threats of COVID-19,” said Hideki Mori, World Bank Country Manager for Uzbekistan. “The Government, World Health Organization (WHO), other UN agencies, international finance institutions including the World Bank Group, bilateral aid agencies, and non-governmental organizations like Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF), are all standing together to support the country during this difficult time.”

About $38 million will be used to strengthen the capacity of the national health system in areas like disease surveillance, testing, equipment, and facilities for the treatment of critically ill patients, including ventilators and Intensive Care Units. The remaining $57 million will help the Government extend the program of low-income family allowances and provide one-off unemployment benefits. 

“I want to acknowledge and thank doctors, nurses, and all those who are on the frontline of Uzbekistan’s battle against the COVID-19 pandemic. They are putting their lives at risk to save the lives of others. To help them do their work, let us all continue practicing good personal hygiene, social distancing, and staying-at-home during the quarantine,” said Mr. Mori.

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