Saturday, 27, July, 2024

The Government of Uzbekistan as part of the Development Strategy for 2017-2021 will seek loans worth over $ 7.7 billion from international financial institutions.

As reported earlier, the Presidential decree "On Uzbekistan’s Development Strategy for 2017-2021" has been posted for discussion on the Public Services portal.

In particular, in 2016-2020 Uzbekistan plans to borrow $ 3 billion from the World Bank for 27 projects.

It is expected that in 2016-2018, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) will lend Uzbekistan $ 3.7 billion for 25 projects.

In 2017-2019 Uzbekistan plans to attract funds of the Islamic Development Bank in the amount of $ 1 billion for financing of priority projects.

The Government of Uzbekistan till 2022 will also seek aids and loans of China’s Eximbank, Korean Eximbank, JICA, KOICA, GIZ, the French Development Agency and other organizations.

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