Thursday, 19, September, 2024

The Uzbek Ministry of Finance has prepared a draft resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers, which proposes to abolish state regulation of prices for bread, some medicines and mineral fertilizers.

The draft proposes that from the list of socially significant and strategic types of goods (services), prices (tariffs) for which are subject to state regulation, six items are excluded.

The list includes the following types of goods and services:

1. Molded bread (retail price);

2. Some socially significant medicines and medical products (according to the list);

3. Mineral fertilizers;

4. Security print products (securities, passport, travel document, etc.) manufactured by the State Production Association “Davlat Belgishi”;

5. Forwarding services of sealed packages (shipments, parcels);

6. Services of collection of funds of business entities and transportation of cash and other valuables between banks.

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