Thursday, 13, March, 2025

The share of cash in the total money supply decreased In the first half of 2024, the Central Bank said in a report. As of July 1, the total money supply (M2, includes cash in circulation and non-cash funds) topped 236 trillion soums, an increase of 24.2% over the year. The volume of cash (M0) increased over the year by only 6% - to 50 trillion soums.

The share of cash in circulation decreased by 3.7 percentage points - from 24.8% to 21.1%. 

In January-June, the total amount of cash receipts reached 385 trillion soums, which is by 30% more than the same period last year. The share of cash receipts decreased from 62% to 59%, and through terminals increased from 38% to 41%. 

For six months, the volume of bank cash turnover topped 458 trillion soums. Cash receipts reached 227 trillion soums, cash outflows reached 231 trillion soums. The resulting difference between the demand and the receipt of cash at banks' cash desks was covered by the Central Bank, which additionally issued 4.1 trillion soums of cash into circulation. 

The share of cash expenditures from bank cash desks for the purchase of cash foreign currency increased from 21% to 23% - from 39.3 trillion to 53.1 trillion soums (+35.2%). 

During this period, 468 trillion soums (+30%) were credited to bank cards, of which 107 trillion soums (23%) were cashed out. This figure for the same period in 2023 was 24% (in 2022 - 28%).

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