Friday, 14, March, 2025

The Government has approved the feasibility study for the propane-butane mixtures production units modernization project at the Mubarek Gas Processing Plant (MGPP).

The US$ 15 million project will be funded by Uzbekneftegaz and is expected to be completed in September 2019.

Today, the Mubarek Gas Processing Plant has entered into contracts for supply of equipment, components and materials worth US$ 10 million.

The project completion will allow to increase the annual production of liquefied gas up to 281.5 thousand tons, an increase by 23.2 thousand tons, and the gas condensate – up to 90.7 thousand tons, an increase by 7.5 thousand tons.

MGPP was commissioned in 1971. Currently, the plant has three lines of units for production of propane-butane mixture with 260 thousand tons per year liquefied gas production capacity.

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