Saturday, 18, January, 2025

The construction of a solar power plant in the Samarkand province is suspended, the chief of strategic development at Uzbekenergo Eso Sadullayev said at the conference: Realities and Proxpects of the Electricity Sector Reforms– Experience Gained, Lessons Learned and Myths Debunked in Tashkent on Monday, adding that the study of project feasibility study found that the project should be reviewed.

The call for bids for the turnkey basis construction of a power plant with crystalline photovoltaic elements and fixed panels inclination angle was announced in October, 2014 . In 2016 Zhuhai Singyes Green Building Technology won the tender for design, construction and operation of 100 MW capacity plant. The US$ 275.8 million project was to be funded by loans from the Asian Development Bank and the Fund for Reconstruction and Development of Uzbekistan - US$ 110 million each, and UzbekEnergo’s own funds of 55.8 million dollars.

Uzbekenergo is currently trying to attract private sector to the system of power generation and supply, said Eso Sadullayev.

To this end, Uzbekenergo and SkyPower Global signed a Power Purchase Agreements on 19 April, according to which, SkyPower Global will build 1000 MW of utility-scale solar energy facilities worth of US$1.3 billion for construction of facilities in Uzbekistan’s Tashkent, Samarkand, Navoi, Jizzakh, Surkhandarya and Kashkadarya provinces.

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