Thursday, 13, March, 2025

In the first half of 2024, the total income of Uzbeks reached 399.2 trillion soums, the Agency of Statistics said in a report. In nominal terms, the growth was at 18.4%, and the real growth rate (minus inflation) was 8.6%. In January-June last year, these figures were 18.3% and 6.5%, respectively.

The total income per capita increased by 15.9% (in real terms - by 6.3%) - from 9.3 million to 10.8 million soums in six months (1.8 million soums per month). This is the lowest figure in the past six years, not counting the pandemic year of 2022 (0.7%).

The average per capita nominal aggregate income of the population turned out to be higher than the national average in Tashkent, where it grew from 22.1 million to 28.7 million soums, in Navoi province - from 14.1 million to 16.6 million soums, in Bukhara - from 10.6 to 11.8 million soums and in Tashkent province - from 9.8 million to 10.8 million soums.

The lowest figures were recorded in Karakalpakstan - 7.26 million soums, in Namangan province - 7.4 soums and Surkhandarya province - 8 million soums.

The highest real growth in per capita income was shown by Tashkent (+14.7%), Navoi (7.9%) and Samarkand provinces (6.4%). In Surkhandarya, growth was only 0.3%.

The stratification between provinces has increased. Over the year, the difference in per capita income between the three richest and three poorest provinces increased from 2.28 times to 2.5 times. For comparison: in 2020, this gap was 2.15 times. The difference in income between Tashkent and Karakalpakstan increased from 3.43 times to 3.95 times.

In the income structure, the share of labor activity (hired workers and self-employed) decreased from 62.1% to 60.6%. The income of hired workers increased by 19.1% against 22.1% in the first half of last year, the self-employed - by 12.3% against 15.6%.

While, the share of income from transfers (money transfers, benefits, pensions, scholarships) decreased from 28.5% to 27.8%.

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